Change? I can’t resist you!

Change? I can’t resist you!

Change? I can’t resist you!

How predictable is your life? The vast majority of us are searching for change….good, positive, exciting change for the better! Yet most of us seem scared of change too.
This last month has been punctuated by clients all in the midst of great change. They’ve struggled. They’ve stressed. Some have even become physically sick because of their reaction to these changes.
In most cases the changes have been coming thick and fast.
Then with a little help, they’ve found their courage to face change rather than run and hide from it. I’ve witnessed them break through their resistances and not unlike a butterfly who has to strengthen their wings before flight by fighting their way out of their cocoon, they also have called on their inner strength and taken flight in a whole new and exciting direction.
Mostly they’ve changed their perception around change and dropped their  fear patterns that have held their old ‘comfortable’ life in place. For a moment it can feel pretty uncomfortable but I see that as a great sign that real change is happening. We all know that the only thing guaranteed in life… CHANGE!
Maybe you’re experiencing great change at the moment too. Change is everywhere and we don’t have to become victims of change. There is help and we can all prepare and strengthen ourselves for the inevitable changes that are bound to come, by keeping open to the small changes that present each day.
Imagine what it could be like if you were to welcome ‘change’. Even invite ‘change’ in. Dare ‘change’ to come visit and stare you in the eye.
We keep hearing ideas like “go with the flow”, “be in the moment” and “stay open to new possibilities” but how open are you to spontaneous happenings that can take you in a different direction than what you may have originally planned?
We all have our comfort zones that we love to reside in. The biggest comfort for most of us is knowing. We gain a sense of security that comes from knowing what will come next and this tends to allow us to relax. Then when change comes along as it surely will, we can feel stressed and out of control. When change comes constantly as it sometimes does, that’s when we can really become challenged to the point that our health and happiness is directly effected.
I’ve just had five days with four interstate visitors ranging from 22 years to 83 years, who changed their minds and direction almost faster than I could blink. (slight exaggeration but you get my drift!) To say I found it challenging at first, is an understatement. Instead of getting stressed by all the constant change, I found myself stepping back and observing all the different personalities at play. All had their own agendas, ideas and perceptions and none were more or less valid than the next. This is what makes our world such a fascinating place as long as our ‘change muscle’ is worked and developed in preparation.
Our guests were great teachers in the ‘art of change’ and acted as reminders to me that nothing is definite even if we think it is. I saw how one different choice changed the layout of the entire day and how allowing change can open up other opportunities that otherwise would never happen.
So, how predictable is your life? Change can be exciting and exhilarating when we remove any fears and the need for security around knowing. If you need a guide in these changing times, I’m here for you.
I’d love to support your positive change.MayNews

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